My Experience of Kimono

I was born into a family who love kimono. I remember my great-grandmother, grandmother, my mother and my aunts were dressing up wearing kimono for weddings. I thought they looked wonderful and I was looking forward to wearing as an adult.

My first experience wearing kimono was when I was one year old. Of course I do not remember this experience but looking at a photograph of me sitting on my mother`s lap wearing a casual kimono makes me feel happy.

As a child I wore kimonos several times including Shichi-go-san (festival celebrating 3, 5, and 7 year old children). Wearing kimono is part of our family history and my cultural identity handed down to me by my grandmother and my mother.

When I was at university I joined a kimono school for one year and I was given a qualification as a 2nd class kimono teacher. I should have continued to progress to reach a master level but I continued to wear and teach kimono as a teacher of Japanese language and culture.

I hope to introduce the history and wonder of kimonos to more people. Kimono is not only for Japanese people but for all those who love beautiful fabrics garments and fashion.

 私の着物と帯 (My Kimono and Obi)

My kimonos have been very useful to introduce Japanese and Japanese traditional culture in London. Kimono is not just clothes. It includes Japanese traditional patterns, work of art, nature, annual events, philosophies of Japanese people etc. 


着物  (Kimono)

  Obi (Fukuro-obi and Nagoya-obi)

ウィリアム・モリスのデザインの帯 (Obi: William Morris`s Patterns)

帯揚げ、帯締め、鞄、草履と下駄  (Obi-age, Obi-jime, Bags, Zoori & Geta)

着付けに必要な物  (Necessary things to wear a kimono)

 兵庫県立歴史博物館で十二単体験 (Juuni-hitoe Experience in Japan)

I tried `Juuni-hitoe` (12-15 kimonos) in Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History in Himeji. Kimonos were really heavy (more than 10 kg) and 3 women helped me to wear them! Wonderful experience.
